Military Scholarship: The Jack E. Barger, Sr. Memorial Nursing Scholarship

General Information

The NFP’s Jack E. Barger, Sr. Memorial Nursing Scholarship provides scholarships in support of active duty service members and U.S. veterans, as well as their children and spouses, in pursuing their nursing careers at the baccalaureate level.

Complete information regarding NFP scholarships can be found at under the “Scholarships” tab.

Scholarship recipients will be selected by a lottery drawing and will be presented at a local VFW district meeting.

Questions may be directed to Paula Lasecki (, 717-827-4369) or Cheryl Bradford (, 717-904-4201)

All scholarship application forms, essays, and letters of reference will be maintained in a private and confidential manner.

Applicant Eligibility Criteria

1. Applicants must meet at least one of the following requirements. Responsibility to document this eligibility requirement rests with the applicant and must be presented if selected as a scholarship recipient.

    • Active-duty service member
    • U.S. veteran
    • Child or spouse of a veteran or activity duty service member

2. Applicant must be a resident of Pennsylvania.

3. Applicants must be currently enrolled as an undergraduate student at an accredited nursing school.

How to Apply

1. Complete the required application form in its entirety.

2. Provide a high-resolution (minimum 300 dpi – JPG format) headshot of the applicant in professional attire for publicity use by PSNA/NFP. (NOTE: Selfies and low-resolution cell phone photos are not acceptable)

Submit the complete application through the NFP website no later than the deadline of March 31, 2023. (NOTE: Applications can only be submitted via the website.)

Scholarship Recipient Requirements

Successful applicants will be required to attend the local VFW district meeting to accept their award. Presentations will be scheduled directly with the scholarship recipient through the local VFW. The VFW will pay for travel, upon request, and any arrangements will be made through the office of the VFW.

The NFP requests that individuals selected to receive a scholarship uphold the following requirements.

1. Send a thank you note or video to the NFP board of trustees (c/o NFP for NFP promotional purposes) within one month after the award.

2. “Pay it forward” through a commitment to the nursing profession in the form of volunteerism and/or a financial gift to the NFP to ensure the perpetuity of the scholarship program.

3. Upon graduation, provide NFP with updated contact information.

4. On an ongoing basis, provide NFP with information about the applicant’s future accomplishments, including published articles and professional updates for use in PSNA/NFP publications and publicity.

Apply For Scholarship

All scholarship application forms, essays, and letters of reference will be maintained in a private and confidential manner.